Saturday, March 24, 2007

Library 2.0 Lesson #15

Library 2.0, oh how can I say the words without paraxyms of intellectual torment? I read the OCLC columns and was alternately intrigued and provoked. I like the idea of the World Cat, and people being able to add tags (i.e. subject headings). But I wonder about security with political or lifestyle choice books and basically anyone with a dissenting view that is not endorsed by the dominant group of library users. Perpetual beta, that makes platforms easy to readjust. Then can Libraries get used to not being in total control of their catalogs / databases? I like the tools, but I don't like "techno gadget lust", as the products go out of date and their piles of junk poison the Third World people. Lets use Library 2.0 to bring the users and the Library together.

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